We have been hearing a lot of comments about the increased costs of housing in the area. Comments such as "Housing is getting too expensive in Pensacola!" are all too common. While both rental rates and sales prices are increasing in Pensacola, the Pensacola area is still considered to be affordable compared to other cities, especially other cities in Florida. We decided to research what similar houses cost around Florida and provide you with data on comparing the costs of living amongst popular Florida metropolitan areas.
See the data below comparing different markets in and around Florida. As you can tell, even with increased prices and inventory lows, Pensacola still ranks among some of the most affordable markets in Florida.
Comparing Florida Real Estate Markets:
Florida Metro Average Sales Price Median Sales Price Median Time to Sell
- $263,397 Average Sales Price
- $231,000 Median Sales Price
- 91 days Median Time to Sell
Crestivew/ FWB & Destin
- $509,200 Average Sales Price
- $279,900 Median Sales Price
- 92 days Median Time to Sell
- $257,259 Average Sales Price
- $231,500 Median Sales Price
- 81 days Median Time to Sell
Orlando/ Kissimmee/ Sanford
- $326,044 Average Sales Price
- $280,000 Median Sales Price
- 78 days Median Time to Sell
Miami- Fort Lauderdale - West Palm Beach
- $547,362 Average Sales Price
- $370,000 Median Sales Price
- 98 days Median Time to Sell
Tampa- St. Petersburg- Clearwater
- $300,609 Average Sales Price
- $248,500 Median Sales Price
- 77 days Median Time to Sell
*Data provided from SunStat Reports from Florida Realtors
Are you interested in purchasing a home in the Pensacola area? Our Realtors can help you whether you are looking to lease or buy. Give us a call or email us today for more information.